I am Ani, a path-searcher and eager for knowledge. My love for yoga arose in a very early age, thanks to my mother, who took me to a yoga class for kids. I felt an elemental connection with this world from the very beginning. From that point on I was looking for the opportunity and connection to be able to dive deeper into these teachings that on the surface were seemingly far from me, but in reality, they are rooted deeply in myself. My first real teacher, my master up until this day was Ádám Baktai. After some time, my

eagerness and fortune led me to the wonderful Shivananda tradition, where I was introduced to the magical and truthful world of yoga philosophy. I met my husband at that time, who led me to Govinda Kai. Govinda Kai and the ashtanga tradition had such an impact on me, that I travel to India every year, and I take every opportunity to get deeper in self-study, personality development and understanding of our world. Of course this all sounds very nice, but it is not easy at all ☺ Actually this is the hardest thing I ever got myself into. Still, I receive so many blessings through it, that I can never stop it anymore.
If I can be any help with my experiences, that gives me great energy, but I never forget that I am at the very beginning of the road. I am forever searching for new understandings, depths in spiritual teachings, either in asana, Ayurveda or in the connections with the people around me. If you have any questions, please ask me, I will surely answer something very honest, or if I don’t know the answer, I will help you find the directions.
Om Tat Sat