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It was five years ago when I went to my first ashtanga yoga class, where I fell in love with this tradition immediately. I finally felt, that I might get some answers to all the questions I had in me for years, and I can gain deeper understanding about the world and myself. I knew that asana practice is an amazing tool to be more conscious about my body to become and stay healthy and balanced. And as the years went by, through the continuous aware work with my body such doors started to open on the path of self-knowledge, that I never knew even existed.

Through practice I started to be more open and accepting for the world, while I learned where my boundaries are, and how to say no to things that does not support my development. This is a 24/7 work, sometimes it is easy but there are times when it is hard. One thing is for sure, I was never alone. Thanks to this practice I had the privilege to meet people and teachers whose determination on exceeding them-selfs, to have a better and more loving world is mutual, I found a new family. I am grateful for my life, to be able to share and help each other on this path in unity, with the same people we started the tradition years ago. The power of community can’t be highlighted enough, whether it manifests through asana practice, mantra chanting or kirtan, when we are together in understanding and acceptance, the inconceivable becomes comprehensible. After several retreats, Indian pilgrimage, kirtan and mysore classes, the time has finally arrived when our community’s life shifts into a new era, and Arunachala Yoga Nilayam provides the space for this.

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