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Jal Mahal

When east meets south

Sat, Feb 08


MagNet Community Center

Govinda kai and Friends, Edge Project

A regisztráció le van zárva
Egyéb rendezvények
When east meets south
When east meets south

Idő és helyszín

Feb 08, 2020, 5:30 PM – 9:00 PM

MagNet Community Center, Budapest, Andrássy út 98, 1062 Hungary

Az eseményről

This time we invite you to a very a unique journey. We will explore what happens when the magical world of east and south meet in music, feeling and soul. Two separate cultures with different ancient roots but, there is still something that connects them this evening. And its quite simple : during the whole evening the music will be played from heart to hearts. Without anything extra, just raw, clear, powerful and fully embracing.

Location : MagNet Ház Lótusz room

The program of the evening:
18:00 - 19:00 Edge Project
19:00 - 21:00 Govinda Kai and Friends

The event is donation based. Recommend donation: 3000 HUF

Govinda will be accompanied by his best partners in mantra crimes, Julcsi, Ákos Várnai and Dani Dobai and a very special guest in the person of Fekete-Kovács Kornél.

Govinda Kai about kirtan:
"Kirtan is quite literally an expression of great transcendent power. With this quality of vibration, the unexpected naturally occurs."

About edge project:
Edge Project its originated in Latin-America bringing the soundscape and rhythms of the folk into a deeper level of expression.
In combination of guitar, charango, drums, bass and pan-flute the roots of the south are present on the sound journey.
A moment of peace, a place of stillness, a closed eyes vision into the wonders of your own soul, there might be still time to listen to yourself, to hear what you have to advise to yourself, this is what Edge Project brings you.
Harmony between our senses and an opportunity to be honest with ourselves, this is the meaning of the music that is performed

Esemény megosztása

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